Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
Kids Ministries
Sunday School
Sunday School meets after the morning service from 11am -11:45 am, September through April. Children ages 3 years old to 4th grade enjoy using study materials from Great Commission Publications.
Visitors are welcome to join us.
Catechism meets after the morning service from 11 am-11:45 am, September through April. Children from 5th grade to 12th grade enjoy using study materials from Reformed Fellowship Publishing.
Visitors are welcome to join us.
Kingdom Seekers are a club for all girls from the church and community in grades 4th through 8th. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, September through April. Meetings include Bible study, games, and time to work on crafts and projects. Kingdom Seekers participate in a merit badge program that coincides with their interests.
Please feel free to join us.
Cadets are a club for all boys from the church and community in grades 4th through 8th. Meetings are on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday of the month, September through April. Meetings include Bible study, games, and time to work on crafts and projects. Special events throughout our year might include Camping, Pinewood Derby, Service Projects, and a Snow Derby. Cadets participate in a merit badge program that coincides with their interests.
Our Cadet ministry is part of the Thornapple Valley Council of Calvinist Cadet Corps. The Calvinist Cadet Corps is an independent (non-denominational) youth ministry organization whose purpose is to provide the local church with ministry programs that will enable them to effectively share Christ’s love with boys from their church and community. Founded in 1952, the Corps has more than 600 clubs throughout North America, a brother organization in Australia and New Zealand, and since 2006 has been working in Kenya and Uganda.
For more information, see their website at Calvinistcadets.org.
Kingdom Seekers
high school
Youth Group
The Youth Group exists to aid parents in guiding, encouraging, and counseling their high school teens towards lives of godliness and service to Christ and His church. Meetings include fellowship, supper, singing, discussion time, and games.
Discussions are intended to:
Help youth understand their life before God and develop a deeper relationship with Him
Cultivate and strengthen a Christian worldview
Instill in them a desire for outreach and community service
Encourage friendships within the covenant community
The Youth Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, from September to April after the evening service. Other special events include bi-monthly service projects, fun outings, and a soup supper. The group also participates each summer in TASC (Teens Actively Serving Christ) through Reformed Mission Services and/or the RYS Convention.
Please feel free to join us.
special friends group
Special Friends is dedicated to the special needs members of our church. We strive to include these individuals in the life of the church.
We use materials from Friendship Ministries and the book “I AM” by Diane Stortz. Special Friends meets from 11-11:45 am during Sunday school time, September through April. Our time together consists of a bible lesson and/or a craft or game. To get to know each other a little more, we do an activity once a month on a weekend.
special friends
adult bible study & Fellowship
Sunday evening adult bible study
Adults post-high through age forty meet the second Sunday of the month, September through May. We enjoy a meal and fellowship at 6:30 pm, followed by a Bible Study. Childcare is available.
Visitors welcome!
Men of all ages (High School and older) meet for Bible study on the first and third Saturday morning of the month, September through April, at 7:00 am at Trinity URC. Join us as we learn about becoming men of God's kingdom.
Visitors are welcome!
Men's Bible Study
Women's Bible Studies
Morning Bible Study:
Women meet for Bible study on the first and third Wednesday morning of the month, September through April at 9:30 am.
Weeknight Bible Study:
Women, ages post-high and up, meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday night each month, September through May, at 7:00 pm. Visitors are welcome to come join us as we study God's word and encourage each other in our daily walk with Christ.
Women meet once a month on the second Thursday from 10:00-11:00 a.m., October through April. The group gets together primarily to knit or crochet items to care for our community and provide comfort for our own congregation. You may also work on your own project or just come for a time of coffee and fellowship.
Ladies Fellowship
Sisters in prayer
Trinity’s SIP “Ministry” — Sisters in Prayer — is intended to be a ministry of prayer and encouragement for participating women of our church.
Uniting in prayer — for our personal needs and the needs of others — draws us closer to God and one another, as we share in each other's burdens and seek the Lord’s will for our lives. It’s praying for one another, but it can also be more than that.
This “Ministry” is intended to provide an enjoyable, fun opportunity for ladies to minister to, encourage and be a blessing to one another, to edify and build one another up in the faith, and grow our relationship with Christ through prayer and acts of love and kindness.
Additionally, it is hoped that this will form, build and strengthen relationships in our church.